Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Product Type
- Supplied By
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Recommended Applications
This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.
- Directions of Use
- For high strength structural bonds, remove surface contaminants such as paint, oxide films, oils, dust, mold release agents and all other surface contaminants.
- Use gloves to minimize skin contact. DO NOT use solvents for cleaning hands.
- Dual Cartridges: To begin using a new cartridge, remove cartridge cap and dispense a small amount of adhesive, making sure both parts A&B are extruding. Attach nozzle and dispense approximately 25 to 50mm, before applying onto part to be bonded.
- Partially used cartridges can be stored with the mixing nozzle attached.
- To reuse, remove and discard old nozzle, attach the new nozzle, dispense approximately 25 to 50mm, before applying onto part to be bonded.
- Hand Mixing: Combine Part A & Part B in the correct ratio and mix thoroughly. Be sure to scrape both the sides and bottom of mixing container.
- Mix for approximately 15 seconds after uniform color is obtained. Heat build-up during or after mixing is normal.
- Do not mix quantities greater than 4kg as excessive exotherm or heat build up will develop.
- Mixing smaller amounts will minimize heat build-up
- Bulk Containers: Normally material is dispensed through volumetric metered mixing equipment, attached to static mix nozzles. It may also be mixed by weight or volume as described above.
- For maximum bond strength apply adhesive evenly to both surfaces to be joined.
- Application to the substrates should be made within 40 minutes.
- Larger quantities and/or higher temperatures will reduce this working time.
- Join the adhesive coated surfaces and allow to cure. Higher temperatures will speed up curing.
- Keep assembled parts from moving during cure. The bond should be allowed to develop full strength before subjecting to any service load.
- Excessive uncured adhesive can be cleaned up with ketone type solvents.
- Recommended Mixing Ratio
Mix Ratio (by volume)
2:1 (Resin : Hardener)
- Properties
- Fixture Time* - Fixture time is defined as the time to develop a shear strength of 0.1 N/mm2.
- Cure - Room temperature cure after mixing
- Typical Environmental Resistance
- Cured for 5 days @ 22 °C
- Lap Shear Strength, ISO 4587: Steel (grit blasted), 0.13 mm gap
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Storage Conditions
- Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.
- Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties.
- Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container.