Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- INCI Name
- Supplied By
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Cleaning Ingredients Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- Industrial Additives Functions
- Plastics & Elastomers Functions
- Molecular formula
- EDTA - Na₄
- Technologies
- Product Families
- Chemical Structure
Features & Benefits
- Benefit Claims
- Labeling Claims
- HII Features
- Materials Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Applicable Processes
- Home Care Applications
- I&I Cleaning Applications
- Recommended Applications
In numerous branches of industries for control of hardness and heavy metalions
Application area Function cleaning industry hardness controller
detergents & soaps stabilizer disinfectant potentiator metal treatment metal remover oil field scale dissolver polymer processing stabilizer pulp & paper industry bleach stabilizer textile industry bleach & dye stabilizer
- Color (Properties)
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Off - white micro - granular
Safety & Health
- Environmental Aspects
- Inherently biodegradable.
- Rapid biodegradation can be obtained under slightly alkaline conditions.
- COD : approx. 560 mg/g
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Storage Conditions
- Store in original packing at a dry place.
- Opened bags must be closed again properly.
- It is advised to re-test the material after three years of storage